
Conners Clinic
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⁣⁣In this interview, Dr. Kevin Conners speaks with Alan Cash from Terra Biological about the benefits of using oxaloacetate, a compound that mimics calorie restriction. Terra Biological conducted research showing that animals given oxaloacetate lived 25% to 50% longer, as it activates molecular pathways involved in calorie restriction. In addition, women who took oxaloacetate reported a reduction in PMS symptoms, particularly emotional symptoms. This effect is attributed to oxaloacetate balancing blood sugar levels and preventing glucose shortage in the brain.

The conversation then shifts to the use of oxaloacetate in addressing chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and long COVID fatigue. Clinical trials conducted by Terra Biological showed that oxaloacetate supplementation led to a decrease in fatigue levels for individuals with these conditions. Oxaloacetate helps normalize energy production in cells, reversing the inefficient energy production through fermentation seen in the Warburg effect. This normalization of metabolism has promising results in reducing fatigue in individuals who have struggled with it for years.

The conversation emphasizes the significance of oxaloacetate in addressing various health issues related to energy production and metabolism. It has been shown to alleviate PMS symptoms, improve energy levels, and reduce fatigue in chronic conditions. The potential of oxaloacetate as a health strategy is underscored, particularly in the context of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic where many individuals are experiencing persistent fatigue and seeking solutions to recover their energy levels.

Alan Cash discusses the benefits of his supplement called benaGene, which contains high dosage oxaloacetate. He mentions the recommended dosage for chronic fatigue syndrome patients and acknowledges positive feedback for using these products for various conditions like long haul COVID, chronic Lyme disease, West Nile, and chronic mold issues. Ongoing clinical trials for other fatigue-related diseases are also mentioned. benaGene and Oxaloacetate CFS are available at shop.ConnersClinic.com

For more info visit ⁣https://www.connersclinic.com/....overcoming-chronic-f

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