
Conners Clinic
26 Views · 1 year ago

⁣Lead Practitioner and Kinesiologist Michelle Hamburger, CNHP interviews Jim Crawmer of [a]www.EMFInspecting.com[/a] - Jim and his wife LaRae run an EMF inspection and consulting business in Minnesota where they are experts at helping homeowners and business owners create a safer environment through EMF and EMR remediation. Michelle and Jim discuss the basics of EMF and EMR, and Jim has some anecdotes to share that may surprise you!

To Contact Jim and LaRae Crawmer
Website - [a]www.EMFInspecting.com[/a]
Email - Safety@EMFInspecting.com
Phone - 651-230-9429
Resources on the Dangers of EMF:
🎥 Jimmy Gonzalez "Cell Phones Cause Cancer": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIlOVJd0lA8
🎥 Wireless wake-up call | Jeromy Johnson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0NEaPTu9oI
🎥 Cellphone-Cancer Link Found in Government Study: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAgFGdFkJJE
🎥 International Scientist Appeal on Electromagnetic Fields | Martin Blank PhD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ijs5lrebac
🎥 "The truth about mobile phone and wireless radiation" -- Dr Devra Davis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwyDCHf5iCY
🎥 Health Effects of EMF: Focus on DNA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qj_QgFIqAdE
Details about our most comprehensive Private Cancer Coaching Membership Package: https://shop.connersclinic.com..../products/comprehens

This is our popular and most sought after "all-in-one" package for those with a cancer diagnosis.

Note: Although this is where 95% of our members begin, we realize this may not be feasible for everyone. During your call, Dr. Conners may offer an alternative starting point for you.

If you or someone you love is suffering with a chronic disease and/or autoimmune condition, our Private Health Coaching Membership is a game-changer! For more details visit: https://shop.connersclinic.com..../products/private-me

-=- PODCASTS -=-
Listen to podcasts? Here are a couple that we personally host that will help you on your journey to health and healing:

🎧 Conners Clinic Live: https://www.connersclinic.com/live
🎧 The Anne & Ashely Show (archive): https://www.connersclinic.com/show

-=- WRITINGS -=-
Download all of our books (including the Amazon #1 Best Seller "Stop Fighting Cancer & Start Treating the Cause") for FREE at https://www.connersclinic.com/books

Looking for more alternative, holistic health information? Check out our hundreds of articles on topics ranging from cancer to nutrition to genetics and everything in between: https://www.connersclinic.com/blog

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(651) 739-1248

Conners Clinic
19 Views · 1 year ago

⁣On episode 4 of the Anne & Ashley Show, we discuss the dangers of 5G technology. There is a lot of chatter around the internet regarding 5G - there was even recently a fantastic 5G Summit a couple weeks ago - and it seems the biggest factor is the unknown. There is almost zero research out there on 5G technology specifically; all we can go on is the current studies and statistics on EMFs and radiation.

Details about our most comprehensive Private Cancer Coaching Membership Package: https://shop.connersclinic.com..../products/comprehens

This is our popular and most sought after "all-in-one" package for those with a cancer diagnosis.

Note: Although this is where 95% of our members begin, we realize this may not be feasible for everyone. During your call, Dr. Conners may offer an alternative starting point for you.

If you or someone you love is suffering with a chronic disease and/or autoimmune condition, our Private Health Coaching Membership is a game-changer! For more details visit: https://shop.connersclinic.com..../products/private-me

-=- PODCASTS -=-
Listen to podcasts? Here are a couple that we personally host that will help you on your journey to health and healing:

🎧 Conners Clinic Live: https://www.connersclinic.com/live
🎧 The Anne & Ashely Show (archive): https://www.connersclinic.com/show

-=- WRITINGS -=-
Download all of our books (including the Amazon #1 Best Seller "Stop Fighting Cancer & Start Treating the Cause") for FREE at https://www.connersclinic.com/books

Looking for more alternative, holistic health information? Check out our hundreds of articles on topics ranging from cancer to nutrition to genetics and everything in between: https://www.connersclinic.com/blog

✅ Website ➡ https://connersclinic.com
✅ Online Store ➡ https://shop.connersclinic.com
✅ Courses ➡ https://courses.connersclinic.com/
✅ Telegram ➡ https://t.me/ConnersClinic
✅ Gab ➡ https://www.gab.com/connersclinic
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✅ Begin Here ➡ https://www.connersclinic.com/....course-members-begin

(651) 739-1248