Shorts Create

Addressing hormone-related cancers naturally

Dr. Kevin Conners




⁣Just wanted to share some recent news that there's lots of censorship going around these days. If you haven't already, start asking "why" certain information is being pulled from the public eye.

Why can't people make their own decision on health with all the information presented to them? Why is only one option given? It's time to realize what our world has comne to, folks.

Dr. Kevin Conners




⁣Quercetin is a natural flavonoid that helps with histamine issues!

Dr. Kevin Conners




🚨 Red Dye No. 3 BANNED by the FDA! 🚨

🍬 What’s the deal with Red 3?
For decades, this bright pink-red dye has been a sneaky ingredient in everything from candy and baked goods to cough syrups and vitamins. But here’s the kicker—scientific studies linked it to cancer in lab animals as far back as the '80s! It’s been banned in cosmetics for years, yet it’s still been in our kids’ snacks. 🤯

🎥 Why the change now?
Parents, holistic health advocates, and concerned consumers have been raising the alarm about Red 3 for years, citing health risks like hyperactivity in kids and its carcinogenic potential. The FDA is FINALLY catching up, but the fight isn’t over yet! Some industry reps are pushing back, claiming there’s “no credible safety concern.” 🤔

💡 What’s next for your favorite snacks?
Food manufacturers now need to reformulate their products—and some are already turning to natural alternatives like beets, red cabbage, and even insects for coloring. But Red 3 is still lurking in plenty of products, from candy corn and mashed potatoes to children’s nutritional shakes.

🛑 What can YOU do?
Keep an eye on labels, choose snacks with natural coloring, and stay informed. With this FDA decision and changes under new health secretary nominee Robert F. Kennedy Jr., we might see even more moves to cut artificial additives from our food supply.

🌱 It’s time to demand better, safer food for our families. Let’s celebrate this small victory and push for more change! 🎉

#reddye3 #fooddyes #holistichealth #rfk #trump #maha

Dr. Kevin Conners




Here are the five most toxic items in your kitchen you may want to rethink!

1️⃣ Nonstick Pans – They might make cooking a breeze, but did you know nonstick pans often contain PFAS chemicals? These "forever chemicals" don’t break down, can seep into your food, and have been linked to serious health issues over time. If you cook regularly with nonstick, consider healthier alternatives like cast iron or stainless steel.

2️⃣ Keurig Machines – That quick cup of coffee could come with a side of microplastics! Many Keurig and single-serve coffee machines use plastic components, meaning hot water passes through plastic before reaching your cup. This process can release microplastics directly into your drink. A French press or stainless-steel pour-over is a much cleaner way to enjoy your coffee!

3️⃣ Air Fryers – While they’re super popular for “healthier” frying, most air fryers use nonstick Teflon coatings that release toxins when heated. The compounds in these coatings, called PFCs, can end up in your food and the air you breathe, potentially impacting your liver, thyroid, and even increasing cancer risk. Safer options? Look for ceramic or stainless-steel alternatives to keep those unwanted chemicals out of your meals.

4️⃣ Tap Water – Surprising but true: standard Brita filters don’t catch many of the harmful contaminants in tap water. A high-quality filter is essential for safe water at home! Reverse Osmosis is the gold standard for home purification—it removes nearly everything (yes, even the minerals). For minerals, just add a liquid supplement to your cup. If you want a deep dive on this, let us know in the comments!

5️⃣ Plastic Cutting Boards – Every slice on a plastic cutting board means a bit of plastic can end up in your food. Over time, this can add up to the equivalent of ingesting about 12 credit cards’ worth of plastic each year. Opt for wooden or bamboo cutting boards for a safer, eco-friendly alternative!

🌱 Making small changes in your kitchen can have a big impact on your long-term health! Swap these toxic items for safer options, and don’t forget to follow us for more tips on creating a healthier home.

#holistichealing #maha #connersclinic #drkevinconners #alternativecancertreatment #holistichealth #healthyhome #airfryer #pfas #toxichome #microplasticsinmybloodbrainbarrier #microplastics #cleanwater #waterfilter

Dr. Kevin Conners




👉🏻 Possible Protocol: Lie down bad ear up...5-10 drops...wait 10-15 mins...repeat as needed throughout the day 🙏

Dr. Kevin Conners