Shorts Create

⁣Just wanted to share some recent news that there's lots of censorship going around these days. If you haven't already, start asking "why" certain information is being pulled from the public eye.

Why can't people make their own decision on health with all the information presented to them? Why is only one option given? It's time to realize what our world has comne to, folks.

Dr. Kevin Conners




In the world of medicine, the prevailing approach has been to focus on pathology, the study of disease.

This paradigm operates on the belief that by understanding the biochemical mechanisms behind diseases—like how serotonin levels affect depression, or the impact of LDL cholesterol on heart disease—we can develop drugs to interrupt these abnormal processes and, hopefully, cure or manage the diseases.

While this approach has its merits, particularly in emergency and acute care, it falls short in addressing chronic diseases.

The crux of the issue lies in the focus on combatting illness rather than fostering health.

The pursuit of health requires a different toolkit—one that emphasizes prevention and the nurturing of well-being.

To truly transform our health outcomes, we must shift our focus from merely studying disease to understanding and promoting the conditions for optimal health.

This isn't just about treating symptoms; it's about creating a foundation of wellness that can preempt disease altogether.

It's time to rethink our approach and prioritize the science of health creation over disease management.

Dr. Kevin Conners




Do you know the health benefits of Vitamins A, D, E, & K?

ADK Complete provides a synergistic combination of fat-soluble vitamins featuring 5,000 IU of vitamin D, along with efficacious amounts of vitamin A, vitamin K (including K1 and K2), and vitamin E isomers (as DeltaGold® tocotrienols) in one convenient softgel serving. ADK Complete is manufactured using the Designs for Health Evail™ technology, a process that utilizes quillaja extract and a patented form of geranylgeraniol (as GG-Gold™) extracted from annatto seeds, to promote maximum nutrient absorption and delivery in the body. This formula is designed to help support the balance of fat-soluble vitamins in the body, and to help promote bone, heart, and immune health.

Recommended Use: As a dietary supplement, take one softgel per day, or as directed by your health-care practitioner.

Vitamin D assists with proper bone health, as it helps regulate the body’s calcium levels. When calcium levels are low, vitamin D stimulates increased calcium absorption from the diet and reduces calcium excretion by the kidneys, thereby supporting maintenance of healthy bones and teeth. It also helps to support a proper immune response in the body.

Vitamin K is important for directing the transport of calcium into bones and teeth for optimal strength. Without adequate levels of vitamin K, increasing the amount of vitamin D via supplementation may increase the risk for calcium to be improperly deposited in arteries and soft tissue, and this may also negatively affect the elasticity of blood vessels. Healthy blood vessels are vital to proper cardiovascular function.

Vitamin A works collaboratively with vitamin D to ensure normal gene expression (regulating whether certain genes are expressed or remain silent). Vitamin A also partners with vitamins D and K to maintain healthy bones and teeth, and is critical for immune function and eye health.

Vitamin E functions as a chief antioxidant when paired with vitamin A. Tocotrienols are important members of the vitamin E family that fight against damaging free radicals, which lead to oxidative stress and aging. Vitamins E and A also protect the health of the eyes, brain, and blood vessels.

Dr. Kevin Conners




How can I test for which diet is best for me with my cancer?

Dr. Kevin Conners




Here's my unpopular opinion (among natural-minded doctors) about using radiation for cancer treatment.

Dr. Kevin Conners




Unfortunately, EMFs are not easily avoidable in today's society. However, there are necessary steps we can take to spend time away from them.

We experience much EMF exposure when using products with Bluetooth, such as wireless headphones (airpods, pixel buds), & watches (apple watch, pixel watch).

It's important to have time spent away from our devices & to spend time grounding as well. We do have a range of EMF protection products too!

Dr. Kevin Conners