
Conners Clinic
25 Views · 1 year ago

⁣Our topic today is allergies and skin conditions. This can be a histamine genetic defect. Histamine initiates an inflammatory response and that's where we get the symptoms of allergies or a skin reaction. The highest concentrations of Histamine in the body are found in the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, and the skin. When Histamine is secreted, it stimulates gastric acid production and the white blood cells are capable of contracting pathogens. The DAO enzyme breaks down histamine to maintain homeostasis and Histamine balance. The Histamine and DAO balance is crucial to maintain gastrointestinal and skin health. Excess Histamine can be correlated to genetic mutations, leaky gut, allergies, and just an individual's diet. Side note, gliadin, which is found in wheat, can also be involved with mast cell function and the secretion of Histamine. That can also be what releases the Zonulin and can contribute to leaky gut.

These are just a couple of the main Histamine genes that we look at during a genetic review. The genetic mutations found in the ABP one and the HNMT are potential indicators for elevated Histamine. Increased Histamine levels can result in heart palpations, low blood pressure, hypertension, fatigue, anxiety, joint pain, irritable bowel syndrome, stomach ulcers, adrenal gland fatigue, and altered sleep patterns. What we can do to fix it is avoid Histamine foods, of course, but then these three products can also support those genes. Histamine Scavenger promotes the reduction of harmful histamine accumulation, Natural D-Hist supports seasonal challenges caused by common environmental allergens and HistaClear, which addresses the DAO enzyme to balance the histamine load. You can find these three products shop.connorsclinic.com and you can also check out our genetic page on our website, ConnersClinic.com as well. If you would like to schedule a genetic review, if you already have a 23 and me done, I would love to help you out and we can see if there are other defects in your genetic pathways that need some support too.

#histamine #genetics #allergies

? https://shop.connersclinic.com..../products/histamine-
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👀 https://www.connersclinic.com/....low-histamine-diet-t
👀 https://www.connersclinic.com/....high-histamine-foods

Details about our most comprehensive Private Cancer Coaching Membership Package: https://shop.connersclinic.com..../products/comprehens

This is our popular and most sought after "all-in-one" package for those with a cancer diagnosis.

Note: Although this is where 95% of our members begin, we realize this may not be feasible for everyone. During your call, Dr. Conners may offer an alternative starting point for you.

If you or someone you love is suffering with a chronic disease and/or autoimmune condition, our Private Health Coaching Membership is a game-changer! For more details visit: https://shop.connersclinic.com..../products/private-me

-=- PODCASTS -=-
Listen to podcasts? Here are a couple that we personally host that will help you on your journey to health and healing:

🎧 Conners Clinic Live: https://www.connersclinic.com/live
🎧 The Anne & Ashely Show (archive): https://www.connersclinic.com/show

-=- WRITINGS -=-
Download all of our books (including the Amazon #1 Best Seller "Stop Fighting Cancer & Start Treating the Cause") for FREE at https://www.connersclinic.com/books

Looking for more alternative, holistic health information? Check out our hundreds of articles on topics ranging from cancer to nutrition to genetics and everything in between: https://www.connersclinic.com/blog

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(651) 739-1248

Conners Clinic
15 Views · 1 year ago

⁣This is Dr. Kevin Conners with a 60 Second Cancer Update from Conners Clinic, an Alternative Cancer Treatment center in St Paul, MN. Today we're going to talk about a study that just came out of the Finland/Switzerland area in Europe that showed the vulnerability of Glioblastoma and the Lysosomal membrane. Your lysosomes are little organelles inside of your cells, all of your cells have these, and they house bunch of digestive enzymes that, when released, help break down and recycle cellular components. They are the cleanup of the cell.

Well the thought was, if we could get these lysosomes to break down and thereby spill all their contents in the cell, they would effectively stimulate apoptosis and stimulate cell death. This study focused on that: "How can we weaken the lysosomal membrane." So what they did is they found that antihistamines, and in this case they used Clemastine which is an antihistamine that readily crosses the blood brain barrier because they were dealing with a brain cancer, but they found that antihistamines would break down that lysosomal barrier and spill its enzymes, all the digestive enzymes that are in lysosomes, would spill it into the cells and stimulate apoptosis thereby causing the cell to die.

So they felt that they could help kill cancer cells, glioblastoma cells which are one of the most aggressive brain cancers we have today, by using a simple over-the-counter antihistamine. Well the theory is is that we could use natural antihistamines as well! So using natural antihistamines, and I have multiple videos and blog posts on histamines and cancer not just with brain cancer but breast cancer and other cancers, that it's been proven that histamine is a stimulator to cancer because it protects that lysosomal barrier. By breaking down that barrier, we are in effect spilling digestive enzymes into the cell and causing the cell death. The interesting thing about this study is that healthy cells were protected. It didn't have that same effect on healthy cells. This is really cool, go read my blog about it called Histamine and Cancer. It's just another possible thing to add to your cancer protocol.

#histamine #cancer #alternativecancer read Histamine and Cancer: https://www.connersclinic.com/....histamine-and-cancer

Details about our most comprehensive Private Cancer Coaching Membership Package: https://shop.connersclinic.com..../products/comprehens

This is our popular and most sought after "all-in-one" package for those with a cancer diagnosis.

Note: Although this is where 95% of our members begin, we realize this may not be feasible for everyone. During your call, Dr. Conners may offer an alternative starting point for you.

If you or someone you love is suffering with a chronic disease and/or autoimmune condition, our Private Health Coaching Membership is a game-changer! For more details visit: https://shop.connersclinic.com..../products/private-me

-=- PODCASTS -=-
Listen to podcasts? Here are a couple that we personally host that will help you on your journey to health and healing:

🎧 Conners Clinic Live: https://www.connersclinic.com/live
🎧 The Anne & Ashely Show (archive): https://www.connersclinic.com/show

-=- WRITINGS -=-
Download all of our books (including the Amazon #1 Best Seller "Stop Fighting Cancer & Start Treating the Cause") for FREE at https://www.connersclinic.com/books

Looking for more alternative, holistic health information? Check out our hundreds of articles on topics ranging from cancer to nutrition to genetics and everything in between: https://www.connersclinic.com/blog

✅ Website ➡ https://connersclinic.com
✅ Online Store ➡ https://shop.connersclinic.com
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(651) 739-1248

Conners Clinic
7 Views · 1 year ago

⁣This is Dr. Kevin Conners with a 60 Second Cancer Update from Conners Clinic, an Alternative Cancer Treatment center in St Paul, MN. Today we're going to talk about a study that just came out of the Finland/Switzerland area in Europe that showed the vulnerability of Glioblastoma and the Lysosomal membrane. Your lysosomes are little organelles inside of your cells, all of your cells have these, and they house bunch of digestive enzymes that, when released, help break down and recycle cellular components. They are the cleanup of the cell.

Well the thought was, if we could get these lysosomes to break down and thereby spill all their contents in the cell, they would effectively stimulate apoptosis and stimulate cell death. This study focused on that: "How can we weaken the lysosomal membrane." So what they did is they found that antihistamines, and in this case they used Clemastine which is an antihistamine that readily crosses the blood brain barrier because they were dealing with a brain cancer, but they found that antihistamines would break down that lysosomal barrier and spill its enzymes, all the digestive enzymes that are in lysosomes, would spill it into the cells and stimulate apoptosis thereby causing the cell to die.

So they felt that they could help kill cancer cells, glioblastoma cells which are one of the most aggressive brain cancers we have today, by using a simple over-the-counter antihistamine. Well the theory is is that we could use natural antihistamines as well! So using natural antihistamines, and I have multiple videos and blog posts on histamines and cancer not just with brain cancer but breast cancer and other cancers, that it's been proven that histamine is a stimulator to cancer because it protects that lysosomal barrier. By breaking down that barrier, we are in effect spilling digestive enzymes into the cell and causing the cell death. The interesting thing about this study is that healthy cells were protected. It didn't have that same effect on healthy cells. This is really cool, go read my blog about it called Histamine and Cancer. It's just another possible thing to add to your cancer protocol.

#histamine #cancer #alternativecancer read Histamine and Cancer: https://www.connersclinic.com/....histamine-and-cancer

Details about our most comprehensive Private Cancer Coaching Membership Package: https://shop.connersclinic.com..../products/comprehens

This is our popular and most sought after "all-in-one" package for those with a cancer diagnosis.

Note: Although this is where 95% of our members begin, we realize this may not be feasible for everyone. During your call, Dr. Conners may offer an alternative starting point for you.

If you or someone you love is suffering with a chronic disease and/or autoimmune condition, our Private Health Coaching Membership is a game-changer! For more details visit: https://shop.connersclinic.com..../products/private-me

-=- PODCASTS -=-
Listen to podcasts? Here are a couple that we personally host that will help you on your journey to health and healing:

🎧 Conners Clinic Live: https://www.connersclinic.com/live
🎧 The Anne & Ashely Show (archive): https://www.connersclinic.com/show

-=- WRITINGS -=-
Download all of our books (including the Amazon #1 Best Seller "Stop Fighting Cancer & Start Treating the Cause") for FREE at https://www.connersclinic.com/books

Looking for more alternative, holistic health information? Check out our hundreds of articles on topics ranging from cancer to nutrition to genetics and everything in between: https://www.connersclinic.com/blog

✅ Website ➡ https://connersclinic.com
✅ Online Store ➡ https://shop.connersclinic.com
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✅ Begin Here ➡ https://www.connersclinic.com/....course-members-begin

(651) 739-1248

Conners Clinic
5 Views · 1 year ago

⁣This is Dr. Kevin Conners with a 60 Second Cancer Update from Conners Clinic, an Alternative Cancer Treatment center in St Paul, MN. Today we're going to talk about a study that just came out of the Finland/Switzerland area in Europe that showed the vulnerability of Glioblastoma and the Lysosomal membrane. Your lysosomes are little organelles inside of your cells, all of your cells have these, and they house bunch of digestive enzymes that, when released, help break down and recycle cellular components. They are the cleanup of the cell.

Well the thought was, if we could get these lysosomes to break down and thereby spill all their contents in the cell, they would effectively stimulate apoptosis and stimulate cell death. This study focused on that: "How can we weaken the lysosomal membrane." So what they did is they found that antihistamines, and in this case they used Clemastine which is an antihistamine that readily crosses the blood brain barrier because they were dealing with a brain cancer, but they found that antihistamines would break down that lysosomal barrier and spill its enzymes, all the digestive enzymes that are in lysosomes, would spill it into the cells and stimulate apoptosis thereby causing the cell to die.

So they felt that they could help kill cancer cells, glioblastoma cells which are one of the most aggressive brain cancers we have today, by using a simple over-the-counter antihistamine. Well the theory is is that we could use natural antihistamines as well! So using natural antihistamines, and I have multiple videos and blog posts on histamines and cancer not just with brain cancer but breast cancer and other cancers, that it's been proven that histamine is a stimulator to cancer because it protects that lysosomal barrier. By breaking down that barrier, we are in effect spilling digestive enzymes into the cell and causing the cell death. The interesting thing about this study is that healthy cells were protected. It didn't have that same effect on healthy cells. This is really cool, go read my blog about it called Histamine and Cancer. It's just another possible thing to add to your cancer protocol.

#histamine #cancer #alternativecancer read Histamine and Cancer: https://www.connersclinic.com/....histamine-and-cancer

Details about our most comprehensive Private Cancer Coaching Membership Package: https://shop.connersclinic.com..../products/comprehens

This is our popular and most sought after "all-in-one" package for those with a cancer diagnosis.

Note: Although this is where 95% of our members begin, we realize this may not be feasible for everyone. During your call, Dr. Conners may offer an alternative starting point for you.

If you or someone you love is suffering with a chronic disease and/or autoimmune condition, our Private Health Coaching Membership is a game-changer! For more details visit: https://shop.connersclinic.com..../products/private-me

-=- PODCASTS -=-
Listen to podcasts? Here are a couple that we personally host that will help you on your journey to health and healing:

🎧 Conners Clinic Live: https://www.connersclinic.com/live
🎧 The Anne & Ashely Show (archive): https://www.connersclinic.com/show

-=- WRITINGS -=-
Download all of our books (including the Amazon #1 Best Seller "Stop Fighting Cancer & Start Treating the Cause") for FREE at https://www.connersclinic.com/books

Looking for more alternative, holistic health information? Check out our hundreds of articles on topics ranging from cancer to nutrition to genetics and everything in between: https://www.connersclinic.com/blog

✅ Website ➡ https://connersclinic.com
✅ Online Store ➡ https://shop.connersclinic.com
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✅ Begin Here ➡ https://www.connersclinic.com/....course-members-begin

(651) 739-1248

Dr. Kevin Conners
4 Views · 8 months ago

⁣ Best seller alert!

This product is one of our favorites to balance normal #histamine levels in the body!

Check it out in our store at ⁣https://shop.connersclinic.com..../products/clear-hist

#histamine #allergyseason #connerslinic #shopconnersclinic #holistichealth #naturalhealing #heydoc #drkevinconners