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💡 Treating Toddler Ear Infections Naturally: What You Need to Know! 💡

Let's talk about treating ear infections in young children naturally—because times have changed! Back in the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s, antibiotics were often prescribed at the first sign of ear pain, but here’s the problem: over 90% of ear infections in children are actually viral. Antibiotics work on bacteria, not viruses, so they won’t help in most cases and could even do more harm than good. đŸ’ŠđŸš«

So, what should you do if your little one is struggling with ear pain? đŸ€” First, it’s important to know that many viral ear infections will heal on their own, but there are safe, natural steps you can take to support their immune system and help relieve symptoms:

1ïžâƒŁ For External Ear Infections (aka Swimmer’s Ear): Garlic oil and 3% hydrogen peroxide are effective remedies. Herb Farm’s garlic oil can be gently placed in the ear to help fight infection naturally. A few drops of hydrogen peroxide can also help cleanse and protect the outer ear from infection.

2ïžâƒŁ For Middle Ear Infections (often due to fluid buildup in the ear canal): Strengthen your child’s immune system to help them fight off viruses. đŸ’Ș Natural immune boosters for kids include:

Vitamin C and zinc to support their immune health.

Echinacea and other kid-safe herbal formulas to help defend against viral infections.

3ïžâƒŁ Chiropractic Adjustments: Regular adjustments, especially in the upper neck area, can help children prone to ear infections. This can improve fluid drainage from the ear canal and support the body’s natural healing process.

💡 Remember, most ear infections in children will resolve on their own with time. With natural remedies and immune support, you can often help your child recover without antibiotics. đŸŒ±

#naturalremedies #earinfectionrelief #childrenshealth #holistichealing #alternativemedicine #healthykids #immunesupport #naturalparenting #earinfections #saynotoantibiotics #connersclinic #drkevinconners #holistichealthhour

Dr. Kevin Conners




Clear CV is one of our best selling products because it's great for colds!

Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc...

Dr. Kevin Conners




⁣Do you drink beer every day?

Have you ever wondered what daily beer consumption does to your body? Let’s break it down. Regularly indulging in beer introduces a significant amount of non-nutritive calories into your diet, which can cause your blood sugar levels to spike quickly. This not only adds extra pounds, particularly around your midsection, but also increases your risk of metabolic issues.

Consistently drinking beer can also overwhelm your liver -- as if you didn't already know that. Over time, this can lead to the buildup of fat in your liver cells, a condition known guessed it: fatty liver disease. If left unchecked, this can progress into more serious liver damage, such as cirrhosis or even liver failure.

In addition, alcohol can have a significant impact on your cardiovascular system. Consuming it daily can elevate your blood pressure, which puts extra strain on your heart and blood vessels. This ongoing pressure increases the risk of developing serious conditions like heart disease, which could eventually lead to heart attacks or strokes.

There’s also a concerning link between daily alcohol intake and cancer. When your body metabolizes alcohol, it produces acetaldehyde, a harmful compound that can cause damage to your DNA. This increases your susceptibility to several types of cancer, including those of the liver, mouth, and esophagus.

Furthermore, alcohol can weaken your immune system. Drinking beer every day makes it harder for your body to fend off infections and slows down the healing process, leaving you more vulnerable to illnesses.

Lastly, the effects of alcohol aren't just physical. Daily beer consumption can take a serious toll on your mental health. Over time, it can contribute to increasing levels of anxiety and depression, and even lead to alcohol dependency.

It’s crucial to be mindful of how alcohol impacts your overall health. Stay informed, and take steps to prioritize your well-being.

Dr. Kevin Conners




Ever wondered what #homeopathy is? 🌿 Discover how this natural system heals from within! đŸ’«âœš

Dr. Kevin Conners




Here are the enzymes Dr. Conners recommends for enzyme therapy.

Dr. Kevin Conners




✹ How Do You Approach Metastatic Endometrial Cancer Holistically? ✹

Endometrial cancer that has spread to the lungs can raise complex questions about treatment options. At Conners Clinic, we don’t treat just cancer—we support the whole person through a holistic approach that includes RIFE technology, personalized nutrition, and diet guidance, often in collaboration with your oncologist. Here’s what you need to know:

đŸ”č Understanding Metastasis: When cancer spreads, like from the endometrium to the lung, it remains the original cancer type. This means endometrial cells are now present in the lungs. Treatment should be based on your unique body profile and cancer behavior.

đŸ”č Hormone Therapy: Was the original tumor hormone receptor-positive? If so, a biopsy of the lung mass is essential to see if it’s still hormone-responsive—this can change over time.

đŸ”č Chemo & Other Options: We’re not anti-chemo, but we believe in integrating supportive therapies alongside any mainstream treatment you choose. Cancer journeys are personal, and your treatment should be, too.

Every situation is unique. Consult with a holistic practitioner who views your health as a comprehensive picture, not just a diagnosis. At Conners Clinic, we’re here to guide and support you on every step of your healing journey. đŸ’Ș💚

📅 Watch Dr. Conners every Wednesday at 2 p.m. CT on our live Q&A for more insights on holistic cancer care! #endometrialcancer #metastasis #connersclinic #drkevinconners #alternativecancertreatment #holistichealth #maha

Dr. Kevin Conners