Autoimmune Supplement Changes? - from 11/16/22 Zoom Call
Hashimoto's, Antibodies and Cancer - from 4/19/23 Zoom Call
Testing for EBV: IGG and IGM Antibodies? - from 7/26/23 Zoom Call
Chronic Disease and Autoimmune Course Intro
Step 1 in Autoimmune Care
The Progression of Self Care
The Difficulty in Care of Chronic Disease
Symptom Identification in AutoImmune Disease
Step TWO - Action Steps to Triggers
Step THREE - Clean up the Environment
Step ONE - An Honest Self-Assessment of TRIGGERS
Step FIVE - Healing the Barriers
Start with the Basics
How Do I Diagnose My Disease?
Hashimotos - the physiological WEB
Hashimotos - Replacement and Natural Hormone Support
Hashimotos - Nutritional Considerations
Hashimotos - Lifestyle Considerations
Hashimotos - Dietary Considerations
Hashimoto Lab Levels