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🚨 This will blow your mind! 🚨 Listen up to what Joel Salatin has to say about how backyard chickens could shake up the entire egg industry – and potentially make it obsolete. In this clip from his conversation with Joe Rogan, Salatin breaks down the power of local food systems and what a simple change could do. Just look at the example he shared:
A city in Belgium launched a unique initiative, offering three free chickens per household to any family interested. Over 2,000 households took up the offer – that’s 6,000 chickens in one city! 🐔 The results? The city reduced food waste going to landfills by a massive 100 TONS in the very first month. Plus, these families suddenly had their own fresh eggs at home, without needing to buy from the store.
Imagine this on a larger scale – Salatin suggests that if just 1 in 3 households in the U.S. had enough chickens to handle kitchen scraps, the egg industry could become completely unnecessary! That’s the revolutionary impact of rethinking food systems and decentralizing food production. 💥
If you’re curious about regenerative farming, organic food systems, and making small choices with big impacts, Joel Salatin is your guy. He’s written over 15 books and done countless interviews, including with Joe Rogan. Just search ‘Joel Salatin’ on YouTube to dive deeper into his powerful ideas on holistic health, sustainable farming, and community-driven food solutions.
What do you think? Could this backyard chicken movement really change things? 🐓🥚
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✨ How Do You Approach Metastatic Endometrial Cancer Holistically? ✨
Endometrial cancer that has spread to the lungs can raise complex questions about treatment options. At Conners Clinic, we don’t treat just cancer—we support the whole person through a holistic approach that includes RIFE technology, personalized nutrition, and diet guidance, often in collaboration with your oncologist. Here’s what you need to know:
🔹 Understanding Metastasis: When cancer spreads, like from the endometrium to the lung, it remains the original cancer type. This means endometrial cells are now present in the lungs. Treatment should be based on your unique body profile and cancer behavior.
🔹 Hormone Therapy: Was the original tumor hormone receptor-positive? If so, a biopsy of the lung mass is essential to see if it’s still hormone-responsive—this can change over time.
🔹 Chemo & Other Options: We’re not anti-chemo, but we believe in integrating supportive therapies alongside any mainstream treatment you choose. Cancer journeys are personal, and your treatment should be, too.
Every situation is unique. Consult with a holistic practitioner who views your health as a comprehensive picture, not just a diagnosis. At Conners Clinic, we’re here to guide and support you on every step of your healing journey. 💪💚
📅 Watch Dr. Conners every Wednesday at 2 p.m. CT on our live Q&A for more insights on holistic cancer care! #endometrialcancer #metastasis #connersclinic #drkevinconners #alternativecancertreatment #holistichealth #maha